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Baldino's House
Baldino's House Outside2

Located in: Port-Ludo
Island: Desert Island
Planet: Twinsun
Owner: Jerome Baldino

Appears in: LBA2

For unknown reasons (maybe the destruction of his first house in Proxim-City), Jerome Baldino moved to a house in Port-Ludo.

This second house has two stories, and the upper part is domed, like an astronomical observatory to accomodate the telescope. It's equipped with a radio transmitter. It also has Baldino's Spacecraft in its yard. Just like in his previous house, a sign at the door reads "Jerome Baldino. Miscellaneous Gadgets & Inventions."

Twinsen can use the radio to communicate with Zoé, and also sees a blackboard with Baldino's notes about improving the Proto-pack. Twinsen can view through Baldino's telescope to get a view of Emerald Moon.

Little Big Adventure 2[]

Twinsen visits Baldino's house several times. He also can use the radio where Zoé asks if he found Ker'aooc; and later if he found a treatment for the Dino-Fly and remind him to ask Jerome for the Car Part to fix the car. At first Twinsen says that he didn't find anything, later that he is looking for the School of Magic, and later that he decided to become a Wizard to treat the Dino-Fly.

After Twinsen gets the part to Zoé, she tells him that Jerome has forgotten to give him the Portable Radio, which he comes to get.

After the invasion of the esmers, Twinsen can visit Baldino's house to get a Memory Viewer.

